2003 - Los Serrano
Los Serrano is a Spanish television drama comedy which premiered on 22 April 2003 and aired on Telecinco. It tells the story of the Serrano family, who lives in Round Santa Justa No 133, located in the fictional neighborhood of Santa Justa, in the Ribera del Manzanares, in Madrid. The success of the series in Spain and in several other countries in Europe and elsewhere helped launch the career of several young actors and actresses, especially actor and musician Fran Perea, who acts in the series and sings its theme song, "1 más 1 son 7". themoviedb
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Los Serrano subtitles for episodes from season 7
S07E01 No sin mi hijo
S07E02 La intimidad es una puerta cerrada
S07E03 Sorpresa, sorpresa
S07E04 Mientras hay resquemor, hay esperanza
S07E05 Cuando el amor llega así de esta manera
S07E06 Íntima fémina
S07E07 Mayormente, lo que sube baja
S07E08 Episode 8
S07E09 Episode 9
S07E10 Episode 10
S07E11 Episode 11
S07E12 Episode 12
S07E13 La procesión va por dentro
S07E14 El síndrome de Sarkozy
S07E15 Al evitamiento por el alejamiento
S07E16 Los padres de ella