2008 - Wakfu
Follow Yogu and his friends Amalia, Evangelyne, Tristepin, Ruel and Az as they try to rescue the world of Wakfu from destruction. themoviedb
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Wakfu subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S00E00 "Wakfu" Goultard le Barbare
S01E01 The Child from the Mist
S01E02 Yugo the Eliatrope
S01E03 The Black Crow
S01E04 The Ugly Pageant
S01E05 The Magnificent Five
S01E06 Vampyro
S01E07 Poisonous Beauty
S01E08 Xav the Baker
S01E09 Ruel's Bag
S01E10 The Gobbowl inferno (1)
S01E11 The Gobbowl inferno (2)
S01E12 The Gobbowl inferno (3)
S01E13 Calm Blue Sea
S01E14 Moon Island
S01E15 Adamai
S01E16 The Eliacube
S01E17 Grougaloragran the Eternal
S01E18 The Brotherhood of the Tofu
S01E19 The Sadida Kingdom
S01E20 The Tree of Life
S01E21 Igol
S01E22 Rubilax
S01E23 The Quest for the Dofus
S01E24 Reunion
S01E25 I Am A Legend
S01E26 Mount Zinit
S01E27 "Wakfu" Noximilien l'Horloger
S01E28 "Wakfu" Ogrest - La légende
S02E01 Monsters and Chimeras
S02E02 Rubilaxia
S02E03 Remington Smisse
S02E04 Grovy's return
S02E05 The Dragon-Pig
S02E05 The Dragon-Pig
S02E06 Qilby
S02E06 Qilby
S02E07 Ambush
S02E07 Ambush
S02E08 Knight Justice
S02E09 Rushu's World
S02E10 Kriss la Krass
S02E11 The Masked Boufbowler
S02E12 The Mmmmmmmmmporg
S02E13 The Night of the Thirsters
S02E14 The Voice Thief
S02E15 Wabbit Island
S02E16 The Cursed Fountain
S02E17 The Council ofTwelve
S02E18 Cléophée
S02E19 A Fistful of Kamas
S02E20 The Zinit
S02E21 The Island of the Bellaphones
S02E22 The Silence of the Rings
S02E23 The Crimson Claws
S02E24 Phaeris the Powerful
S02E25 The Blank Dimension
S02E26 The Eliatrope People
S03E01 Falling Down
S03E02 Like Father, Like Daughter
S03E03 Oropo's Tower
S03E04 Beastly Girl
S03E05 A Iop Hides Himself to Cry
S03E06 The Ecaflip's Scratching Post
S03E07 Pinball Hazard
S03E08 Arpagone
S03E09 The Sadida Temple
S03E10 When the Walls Fall Down
S03E11 Oropo
S03E12 The Hyperzaap
S03E13 Inglorium
S04E00 "Wakfu" Oropo
S04E01 Far from the World
S04E02 The Goddess of Love
S04E03 A New World
S04E04 The Assembly
S04E05 Necromas
S04E06 RotalStröm
S04E11 Together
S04E12 Armand
S04E13 Consecration
Wakfu - S01E01 The Child from the Mist The Child from the Mist 0% 404 0 8 months
The Child from the MistThe Child from the MistWakfu - S03E12 The Hyperzaap The Hyperzaap 0% 7 0 9 months
The HyperzaapThe HyperzaapWakfu - S03E13 Inglorium Inglorium 0% 9 0 9 months
IngloriumIngloriumWakfu - S03E11 Oropo Wakfu - S03E11 (2008) WEB 0% 20 0 9 months
Wakfu - S03E11 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E11 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E10 When the Walls Fall Down When the Walls Fall Down 0% 7 0 9 months
When the Walls Fall DownWhen the Walls Fall DownWakfu - S03E09 The Sadida Temple Wakfu - S03E09 (2008) WEB 0% 6 0 9 months
Wakfu - S03E09 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E09 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E08 Arpagone Arpagone 0% 11 0 9 months
ArpagoneArpagoneWakfu - S03E07 Pinball Hazard Pinball Hazard 0% 24 0 9 months
Pinball HazardPinball HazardWakfu - S03E06 The Ecaflip's Scratching Post The Ecaflip's Scratching Post 0% 6 0 9 months
The Ecaflips Scratching PostThe Ecaflips Scratching PostWakfu - S03E05 A Iop Hides Himself to Cry A Iop Hides Himself to Cry 0% 7 0 9 months
A Iop Hides Himself to CryA Iop Hides Himself to CryWakfu - S03E04 Beastly Girl Wakfu - S03E04 (2008) WEB 0% 7 0 9 months
Wakfu - S03E04 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E04 (2008) WEBWakfu - S03E03 Oropo's Tower Oropo's Tower 0% 6 0 9 months
Oropos TowerOropos TowerWakfu - S03E02 Like Father, Like Daughter Like Father, Like Daughter 0% 8 0 9 months
Like Father_ Like DaughterLike Father_ Like DaughterWakfu - S03E01 Falling Down Falling Down 0% 28 0 9 months
Falling DownFalling DownWakfu - S04E03 A New World A New World 0% 106 0 12 months
A New WorldA New WorldWakfu - S04E04 The Assembly The Assembly 0% 57 0 12 months
The AssemblyThe AssemblyWakfu - S04E05 Nécromes Necromas 0% 100 0 12 months
NecromasNecromasWakfu - S04E06 RotalStröm RotalStröm 0% 44 0 12 months
RotalStrömRotalStrömWakfu - S04E11 Together Together 0% 67 0 12 months
TogetherTogetherWakfu - S04E12 Armand Armand 0% 63 0 12 months
ArmandArmandWakfu - S04E13 Consecration Consecration 0% 86 0 12 months
ConsecrationConsecrationWakfu - S04E02 The Goddess of Love The Goddess of Love 0% 109 0 12 months
The Goddess of LoveThe Goddess of LoveWakfu - S04E01 Far from the World Far from the World 0% 584 0 12 months
Far from the WorldFar from the WorldWakfu - S04E00 "Wakfu" Oropo Wakfu.S04E01.SUBBED.1080p.WEB.h264-Bernd_Lauert 0% 76 0 12 months
Wakfu. S04E01. SUBBED. 1080p. WEB. h264-Bernd_LauertWakfu.S04E01.SUBBED.1080p.WEB.h264-Bernd_Lauert