1987 - Инспектор Морс
There's always time for one more pint.
Original title: Inspector Morse
Ролята на главен инспектор Морс - детектив-интелектуалец и почитател на оперното изкуство, се изпълнява от Джон Тоу. Героят трябва да използва цялата си изобретателност, за да разкрие поредица от загадъчни убийства с помощта на многострадалния си, но верен помощник сержант Луис. Откраднати картини, изчезнали професори, привидно самоубийство и удушен плейбой – това са тайнствените случаи, с които инспектор Морс и сержант Луис се сблъскват в третия сезон на поредицата. Джон Тоу играе ролята на най-невероятния детектив в този популярен, награждаван сериал за мистериозни убийства. themoviedb
Интересни връзки
Инспектор Морс subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 The Dead of Jericho
S01E02 The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn
S01E03 Service of All the Dead
S02E01 The Wolvercote Tongue
S02E02 Last Seen Wearing
S02E03 The Settling of the Sun
S02E04 Last Bus to Woodstock
S03E01 The Ghost in the Machine
S03E02 The Last Enemy
S03E03 Deceived by Flight
S03E04 The Secret of Bay 5B
S04E01 The Infernal Serpent
S04E02 The Sins of the Fathers
S04E03 Driven to Distraction
S04E04 Masonic Mysteries
S05E01 Second Time Around
S05E02 Fat Chance
S05E03 Who Killed Harry Field?
S05E04 Greeks Bearing Gifts
S05E05 Promised Land
S06E01 Dead on Time
S06E02 Happy Families
S06E03 The Death of the Self
S06E04 Absolute Conviction
S06E05 Cherubim and Seraphim
S07E01 Deadly Slumber
S07E02 The Day of the Devil
S07E03 Twilight of the Gods
Inspector Morse - S12E01 "Inspector Morse" The Remorseful Day 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Morse. 12x01. dvd. ripMorse.12x01.dvd.ripInspector Morse - S11E01 "Inspector Morse" The Wench Is Dead 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Morse. 11x01. dvd. ripMorse.11x01.dvd.ripInspector Morse - S09E01 "Inspector Morse" The Daughters of Cain 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Morse. 9x01. dvd. ripMorse.9x01.dvd.ripInspector Morse - S08E01 "Inspector Morse" The Way Through the Woods 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Morse. 8x01. dvd. ripMorse.8x01.dvd.ripInspector Morse - S07E02 The Day of the Devil Inspector Morse 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector MorseInspector MorseInspector Morse - S06E05 Cherubim and Seraphim Inspector Morse 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector MorseInspector MorseInspector Morse - S07E01 Deadly Slumber Inspector.Morse.S07E01.Deadly.Slumber 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S07E01. Deadly. SlumberInspector.Morse.S07E01.Deadly.SlumberInspector Morse - S06E03 The Death of the Self Inspector.Morse.S06E03.The.Death.of.the.Self 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S06E03. The. Death. of. the. SelfInspector.Morse.S06E03.The.Death.of.the.SelfInspector Morse - S06E02 Happy Families Inspector.Morse.S06E02.Happy.Families 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S06E02. Happy. FamiliesInspector.Morse.S06E02.Happy.FamiliesInspector Morse - S06E01 Dead on Time Inspector Morse 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector MorseInspector MorseInspector Morse - S05E05 Promised Land Inspector.Morse.S05E05.Promised.Land 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S05E05. Promised. LandInspector.Morse.S05E05.Promised.LandInspector Morse - S05E04 Greeks Bearing Gifts Inspector.Morse.S05E04.Greeks.bearing.Gifts 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S05E04. Greeks. bearing. GiftsInspector.Morse.S05E04.Greeks.bearing.GiftsInspector Morse - S05E03 Who Killed Harry Field? Inspector.Morse.S05E03.Who.killed.Harry.Field 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S05E03. Who. killed. Harry. FieldInspector.Morse.S05E03.Who.killed.Harry.FieldInspector Morse - S05E02 Fat Chance Inspector.Morse.S05E02.Fat.Chance 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S05E02. Fat. ChanceInspector.Morse.S05E02.Fat.ChanceInspector Morse - S05E01 Second Time Around Inspector.Morse.S05E01.Second.time.around 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S05E01. Second. time. aroundInspector.Morse.S05E01.Second.time.aroundInspector Morse - S04E03 Driven to Distraction 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S04E03. Driven. to. Morse - S03E03 Deceived by Flight S03E03 - Deceived By Flight 0% 0 0 7 месеца
S03E03 - Deceived By FlightS03E03 - Deceived By FlightInspector Morse - S04E02 The Sins of the Fathers Inspector.Morse.S04E02.The.Sins.of.our.Fathers 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S04E02. The. Sins. of. our. FathersInspector.Morse.S04E02.The.Sins.of.our.FathersInspector Morse - S04E01 The Infernal Serpent Inspector.Morse.S04E01.The.Infernal.Serpent 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S04E01. The. Infernal. SerpentInspector.Morse.S04E01.The.Infernal.SerpentInspector Morse - S03E04 The Secret of Bay 5B Inspector Morse 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector MorseInspector MorseInspector Morse - S03E02 The Last Enemy Inspector.Morse.S03E02.The.last.Enemy 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S03E02. The. last. EnemyInspector.Morse.S03E02.The.last.EnemyInspector Morse - S03E01 The Ghost in the Machine 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S03E01. Ghost. in. the. Morse - S02E04 Last Bus to Woodstock 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S02E04. Last. Bus. to. Morse - S02E03 The Settling of the Sun Inspector.Morse.S02E03.The.Settling.of.the.sun 0% 0 0 7 месеца
Inspector. Morse. S02E03. The. Settling. of. the. sunInspector.Morse.S02E03.The.Settling.of.the.sun