2012 - Jak vycvičit draky
Live to train, train to live!
Original title: DreamWorks Dragons
Ve vikinské ostrovní vesnici Blp byli lidé po generace zvyklí svádět urputné boje s tamějšími draky. To se ovšem změnilo ve chvíli, kdy syn vikinského náčelníka Škyťák zjistil, že s draky není potřeba bojovat a lze je vycvičit. Dokázal, že je možné na nich létat a zdálo se, že ostrov bude v bezpečí. V okolním světě ale existuje mnoho druhů draků a nástrah, kterým bude muset Škyťák se svými přáteli čelit. Někteří obyvatelé ostrova navíc draky nechtějí přijmout za své a jsou odhodláni učinit vše, aby je vyhnali. K vzájemnému porozumění a poznání vede dlouhá cesta plná dobrodružství, zábavy a napětí. themoviedb
Zajímavé odkazy
Jak vycvičit draky subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 How to Start a Dragon Academy
S01E02 Viking for Hire
S01E03 Animal House
S01E04 The Terrible Twos
S01E05 In Dragons We Trust
S01E06 Alvin and the Outcasts
S01E07 How to Pick Your Dragon
S01E08 Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
S01E09 Dragon Flower
S01E10 Tajemná Heather (1)
S01E11 Heather Report, Part 2
S01E12 Thawfest
S01E13 When Lightning Strikes
S01E14 What Flies Beneath
S01E15 Twinsanity
S01E16 Defiant One
S01E17 Breakneck Bog
S01E18 Gem of a Different Color
S01E19 We Are Family, Part 1
S01E20 We Are Family, Part 2
S02E01 Live and Let Fly
S02E02 Garvaní železo
S02E03 The Night and the Fury
S02E04 Tunnel Vision
S02E05 Race to Fireworm Island
S02E06 Fright of Passage
S02E07 Worst in Show
S02E08 Appetite for Destruction
S02E09 Zippleback Down
S02E10 A View to a Skrill, Part 1
S02E11 A View to a Skrill, Part 2
S02E12 The Flight Stuff
S02E13 Free Scauldy
S02E14 Frozen
S02E15 A Tale of Two Dragons
S02E16 The Eel Effect
S02E17 Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
S02E18 Bing! Bam! Boom!
S02E19 Cast Out, Part 1
S02E20 Cast Out, Part 2
S03E02 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 2
S03E03 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Imperfect Harmony
S03E04 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" When Darkness Falls
S03E05 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Big Man on Berk
S03E06 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Gone Gustav Gone
S03E07 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Reign of Fireworms
S03E08 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Crushing It
S03E09 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Quake, Rattle and Roll
S03E10 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 1
S03E11 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 2
S03E12 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" The Next Big Sting
S03E13 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Total Nightmare
S03E14 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" TEAM ASTRID
S03E15 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" NIGHT of the HUNTERS, PART ONE
S03E16 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" NIGHT of the HUNTERS, PART TWO
S03E17 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" BAD MOON RISING
S03E18 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Snotlout Gets the Axe
S03E19 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" THE ZIPPLEBACK EXPERIENCE
S03E20 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" SNOW WAY OUT
S03E22 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" EDGE of DISASTER, PART TWO
S03E23 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" SHOCK and AWE
S03E24 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" A Time to Skrill
S03E25 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" MACES & TALONS, PART ONE
S03E26 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" MACES & TALONS, PART TWO
DreamWorks Dragons - S01E10 Heather Report, Part 1 Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S04E10 Snow Way Out 0% 17 0 více než 5 roky
Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S04E10 Snow Way OutDreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S04E10 Snow Way OutDreamWorks Dragons - S03E13 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Total Nightmare Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13 Total Nightmare 0% 38 0 více než 5 roky
Dreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13 Total NightmareDreamworks Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13 Total NightmareDreamWorks Dragons - S03E18 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Snotlout Gets the Axe Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E18(0000265406) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC) 0% 51 0 asi 6 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E18(0000265406) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E18(0000265406) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E15 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" NIGHT of the HUNTERS, PART ONE Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E15(0000265123) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC) 0% 53 0 asi 6 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E15(0000265123) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E15(0000265123) (2017_12_19 23_00_40 UTC)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E24 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" A Time to Skrill Dragons---Riders-of-Berk---03x24---WEBrip---CZ 0% 29 0 více než 8 roky
Dragons---Riders-of-Berk---03x24---WEBrip---CZDragons---Riders-of-Berk---03x24---WEBrip---CZDreamWorks Dragons - S03E26 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" MACES & TALONS, PART TWO Dragons.S03E26.Maces.and.Talons.Part.2.360p.WEBRip.x264-ZED 0% 41 0 více než 8 roky
Dragons. S03E26. Maces. and. Talons. Part. 2. 360p. WEBRip. x264-ZEDDragons.S03E26.Maces.and.Talons.Part.2.360p.WEBRip.x264-ZEDDreamWorks Dragons - S03E12 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" The Next Big Sting Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S03E12-WEBRiP-cze(1) 0% 132 0 více než 8 roky
Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S03E12-WEBRiP-cze(1)Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S03E12-WEBRiP-cze(1)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E14 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" TEAM ASTRID Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E14(0000265099) 0% 90 0 více než 8 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E14(0000265099)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E14(0000265099)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E13 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Total Nightmare Dragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E13.720p.WEBRip-AuP.CZ 0% 95 0 téměř 9 roky
Dragons. Race. To. The. Edge. S03E13. 720p. WEBRip-AuP. CZDragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E13.720p.WEBRip-AuP.CZDreamWorks Dragons - S3E9
Dragons. Race. To. The. Edge. S03E09. 720p. WEBRip-AuP. CZDragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E09.720p.WEBRip-AuP.CZ"Dragons: Riders of Berk" Quake, Rattle and Roll Dragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E09.720p.WEBRip-AuP.CZ 0% 38 0 téměř 9 roky
DreamWorks Dragons - S3E9
Dragons - Race to the Edge 3x09Dragons - Race to the Edge 3x09"Dragons: Riders of Berk" Quake, Rattle and Roll Dragons - Race to the Edge 3x09 0% 32 0 asi 9 roky
DreamWorks Dragons - S03E08 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Crushing It S03E08 - Crushing It 0% 150 0 asi 9 roky
S03E08 - Crushing ItS03E08 - Crushing ItDreamWorks Dragons - S03E04 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" When Darkness Falls Dragons Race to the Edge S03E04 0% 54 0 asi 9 roky
Dragons Race to the Edge S03E04Dragons Race to the Edge S03E04DreamWorks Dragons - S03E04 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" When Darkness Falls Dragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E04.WEBRip.x264-[eSc] 0% 70 0 asi 9 roky
Dragons. Race. To. The. Edge. S03E04. WEBRip. x264-[eSc]Dragons.Race.To.The.Edge.S03E04.WEBRip.x264-[eSc]DreamWorks Dragons - S02E01 Live and Let Fly Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S02E01(0000230851) 0% 120 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S02E01(0000230851)Dragons-Defenders-of-Berk-S02E01(0000230851)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E02 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 2 S03E02 - Eye of the Beholder, Pt.2 0% 87 0 více než 9 roky
S03E02 - Eye of the Beholder_ Pt. 2S03E02 - Eye of the Beholder_ Pt.2DreamWorks Dragons - S03E04 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" When Darkness Falls Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E04(0000256624) 0% 143 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E04(0000256624)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E04(0000256624)Jak vycvičit draky - S03E13 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Total Nightmare Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13 0% 180 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13Dragons Race to the Edge S03E13DreamWorks Dragons - S03E07 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Reign of Fireworms Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E07(0000256928) 0% 199 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E07(0000256928)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E07(0000256928)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E03 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Imperfect Harmony Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E03(0000256555) 0% 97 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E03(0000256555)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E03(0000256555)DreamWorks Dragons - S03E05 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Big Man on Berk Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E05(0000256723) 0% 240 1 více než 9 roky
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E05(0000256723)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E05(0000256723)DreamWorks Dragons - S3E6
Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E06(0000256814)Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E06(0000256814)"Dragons: Riders of Berk" Gone Gustav Gone Dragons-Race-to-the-Edge-S03E06(0000256814) 0% 151 1 více než 9 roky
DreamWorks Dragons - S03E07 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Reign of Fireworms Dragons Race to the Edge S03E07 - Reign of Fireworms 0% 128 0 více než 9 roky
Dragons Race to the Edge S03E07 - Reign of FirewormsDragons Race to the Edge S03E07 - Reign of FirewormsDreamWorks Dragons - S01E01 How to Start a Dragon Academy drobUnKnOwN 0% 168 0 více než 9 roky