1995 - Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999—with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002—starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman. The show was created by a Burbank, California production company Popular Arts Entertainment, with Jonathan Katz and Tom Snyder, developed and first made by Popular Arts for HBO Downtown Productions. Boston-based Tom Snyder Productions became the hands-on production company, and the episodes were usually produced by Katz and Loren Bouchard. The show was computer animated in a crude, easily recognizable style produced with the software Squigglevision in which all persons and animate objects are colored and have constantly squiggling outlines, while most other inanimate objects are static and usually gray in color. The original challenge Popular Arts faced was how to repurpose recorded stand-up comedy material. To do so they based Dr. Katz's patients on stand-up comics for the first several episodes, simply having them recite their stand-up acts. The secondary challenge was how to affordably animate on cable TV at the time. Snyder had Squigglevision, an inexpensive means of getting animation on cable, which could not afford traditional animation processes. A partnership between Popular Arts, Tom Snyder Productions and Jonathan Katz was formed and Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist was born. themoviedb
Enlaces interesantes
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist subtitles for episodes from season 6
S06E01 Sissy Boy
S06E02 Pullman Square
S06E03 Wisdom Teeth
S06E04 Past Lives
S06E05 Ben's Partay
S06E06 Walk for Hunger
S06E07 Used Car
S06E08 Ball and Chain
S06E09 Snow Day
S06E10 Garden
S06E11 Big TV
S06E12 Vow of Silence
S06E13 You're Belinda
S06E14 Radio Katz
S06E15 Expert Witness
S06E16 Bakery Ben
S06E17 Uncle Nothing
S06E18 Lerapy