1964 - La famiglia Addams
S02E26 Gatto Addams
Kitty Cat seems to have a loss of appetite. At first, they suspect that he's just lonely, and try to find him a wife. However, Cousin Itt tells them that Kitty Cat may just have a cold. With that, Gomez calls Dr. Mbogo, the family witch doctor. He requests a house call, but Dr. Mbogo refuses; Kitty Cat's father ate his father! THen, they call a vet. However, he becomes scared to death of Kitty Cat (I don't blame him), so the Addamses try to get his confidence back, by treating other family members. He ""cures"" Uncle Fester and Cousin Itt, and even Cleopatra, but he runs when asked to treat Thing. Then, Grandmama tells them that the loss of appetite was due to Pugsley already feeding him!
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Addams Family 2x26 Cat Addams
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