1984 - 北斗の拳
199X年、世界は核の炎に包まれた。海は枯れ、地は裂け、あらゆる生命体は絶滅したかに見えた。しかし人類は死に絶えてはいなかった。…そして世は再び暴力が支配する時代へと移り変わる。 一子相伝の暗殺拳・北斗神拳の伝承者ケンシロウは、自分の胸に7つの傷をつけ、恋人ユリアを奪い去ったかつての親友・シンを探し放浪していた。道中、立ち寄った村で出会ったバットとリンとともに旅を続けながら、KINGという男、サザンクロスという街の存在が明らかになっていく!! 世紀末の荒廃した世界を舞台にそれぞれの宿命を背負った男たちがケンシロウの前に立ちはだかる。そして自らを世紀末覇者・拳王と名乗る北斗の長兄・ラオウとの対決! 神が選ぶのは果たして… themoviedb
北斗の拳 subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 God or Devil!? The Mightiest Man Appears in Hell.
S01E02 The Deadly Fist of Lingering Regret! The Future is Sighted in the Barren Desert!
S01E03 In the City Without Light, a Lone Fist Burns! The Furious Death by the Five Exploding Fingers.
S01E04 Attack the Bloody Cross! The Secret Technique, Death by Soft Strikes.
S01E05 Can the Flames of Love Burn in Hell? You Are Already Dead!!
S01E06 The Devil's Hit list. Find the Man With the 7 Scars!
S01E07 Villains! - Shall We Have a Countdown to Death?
S01E08 Strike the Hidden Power Point! There’s No Requiem for the Wicked.
S01E09 Villains! - Say Your Prayers Before You Die!
S01E10 Inverse Raging Fire Punch! There Are Too Many Who Must Die!
S01E11 Villains!! Listen to the Blues of Hell!!
S01E12 I Am the God of Death! I'll Chase You to the Ends of Hell!
S01E13 Arhat Deva Fist! Once Released There's No Stopping It!!
S01E14 A Miserable Era! The Good Die So Young!!
S01E15 Count to Three! You're the One Who'll Die!
S01E16 Sing For Me, Villains! The Counting Rhymes of Hell!
S01E17 Battle Makes a Man! The Gates of Confrontation Have Finally Opened
S01E18 Life or Death?! Beyond the Wasteland Lies the First Circle of Hell!
S01E19 Villains! Ready Your One-Way Tickets to Death
S01E20 Nightmarish Full-Scale War! My Fists Pack One Million Volts!
S01E21 The Evil Palace in Flames! Just One More Step to Reach You, Shin!
S01E22 Conclusion of Part One: Yuria, Forever... and Shin!