1964 - Породица Адамс
When we’re together, every night is Halloween.
Original title: The Addams Family
Породица Адамс је сатирична инверзија идеалне америчке породице. Они су последњи потомци клана Адамс и веома су богати, али све раде на језив и застрашујући начин а за који они сматрају да је нормалан као што је ручак и пикник на гробљу, узгајање отровних и смртоносних биљака, тако да сваки гост који дође у њихову кућу исту напушта вриштећи. Глава ове породице је Гомез Адамс који на све начине покушава да удовољи сваку жељу своје супруге Мортише, а њихова деца, ћерка Среда, син Пафзли, као и ујак Фестер и прабабе Адамс увек раде свакакве бизарне и језиве ствари. Поред њих ту је наравно и верни слуга батлер Лурч као и Ствар односно рука која им помаже по кући. themoviedb
Занимљиве везе
Породица Адамс subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 The Addams Family Goes to School
S01E02 Morticia and the Psychiatrist
S01E03 Fester's Punctured Romance
S01E04 Gomez, the Politician
S01E05 The Addams Family Tree
S01E06 Morticia Joins the Ladies League
S01E07 Halloween with the Addams Family
S01E08 Green-Eyed Gomez
S01E09 The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
S01E10 Wednesday Leaves Home
S01E11 The Addams Family Meet the VIPs
S01E12 Morticia, the Matchmaker
S01E13 Lurch Learns to Dance
S01E14 Art and the Addams Family
S01E15 The Addams Family Meets a Beatnik
S01E16 The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man
S01E17 Mother Lurch Visits the Addams Family
S01E18 Uncle Fester's Illness
S01E19 The Addams Family Splurges
S01E20 Cousin Itt Visits the Addams Family
S01E21 The Addams Family in Court
S01E22 Amnesia in the Addams Family
S01E23 Thing is Missing
S01E24 Crisis in the Addams Family
S01E25 Lurch and His Harpsichord
S01E26 Morticia, the Breadwinner
S01E27 The Addams Family and the Spacemen
S01E28 My Son, the Chimp
S01E29 Morticia's Favorite Charity
S01E30 Progress and the Addams Family
S01E31 Uncle Fester's Toupee
S01E32 Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor
S01E33 Lurch, the Teenage Idol
S01E34 The Winning of Morticia Addams
S02E01 My Fair Cousin Itt
S02E02 Morticia's Romance (1)
S02E03 Morticia's Romance (2)
S02E04 Morticia Meets Royalty
S02E05 Gomez, the People's Choice
S02E06 Cousin Itt's Problem
S02E07 Halloween - Addams Style
S02E08 Morticia, the Writer
S02E09 Morticia, the Sculptress
S02E10 Gomez, the Reluctant Lover
S02E11 Feud in the Addams Family
S02E12 Gomez, the Cat Burglar
S02E13 Portrait of Gomez
S02E14 Morticia's Dilemma
S02E15 Christmas with the Addams Family
S02E16 Uncle Fester, Tycoon
S02E17 Morticia and Gomez vs. Fester and Grandmama
S02E18 Fester Goes on a Diet
S02E19 The Great Treasure Hunt
S02E20 Ophelia Finds Romance
S02E21 Pugsley's Allowance
S02E22 Happy Birthday, Grandma Frump
S02E23 Morticia, the Decorator
S02E24 Ophelia Visits Morticia
S02E25 Addams Cum Laude
S02E26 Cat Addams
S02E27 Lurch's Little Helper
S02E28 The Addams Policy
S02E29 Lurch's Grand Romance
S02E30 Ophelia's Career
The Addams Family - S01E18 Uncle Fester's Illness Addams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec 0% 1 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-23. 976-fps-timing-shift1-secAddams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-secThe Addams Family - S01E29 Morticia's Favorite Charity Addams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec 0% 1 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-23. 976-fps-timing-shift1-secAddams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-secThe Addams Family - S02E01 My Fair Cousin Itt Addams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-25.000-fps 0% 12 0 9 месеци
Addams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-25. 000-fpsAddams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E24 Crisis in the Addams Family Addams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-25.000-fps 0% 17 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-25.000-fpsСемейка Аддамс - S02E03 Morticia's Romance (2) Addams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-25.000-fps 0% 17 0 9 месеци
Addams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-25. 000-fpsAddams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E27 The Addams Family and the Spacemen Addams Family1x27The Addams Family and the Spacemen-25.000-fps 0% 18 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x27The Addams Family and the Spacemen-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x27The Addams Family and the Spacemen-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S02E03 Morticia's Romance (2) Addams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-23.976-fps 0% 15 0 9 месеци
Addams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-23. 976-fpsAddams Family2x03Morticias Romance Part 2-23.976-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E23 Thing is Missing Addams Family1x23Thing Is Missing-25.000-fps 0% 4 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x23Thing Is Missing-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x23Thing Is Missing-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E19 The Addams Family Splurges Addams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-23.976-fps 0% 9 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-23. 976-fpsAddams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-23.976-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E25 Lurch and His Harpsichord Addams Family1x25Lurch and His Harpsichord-25.000-fps 0% 1 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x25Lurch and His Harpsichord-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x25Lurch and His Harpsichord-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E31 Uncle Fester's Toupee Addams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-25.000-fps 0% 13 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E34 The Winning of Morticia Addams Addams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-25.000-fps 0% 12 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E26 Morticia, the Breadwinner Addams Family1x26Morticia the Breadwinner-25.000-fps 0% 0 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x26Morticia the Breadwinner-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x26Morticia the Breadwinner-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E24 Crisis in the Addams Family Addams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec 0% 1 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-23. 976-fps-timing-shift1-secAddams Family1x24Crisis in the Addams Family-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-secThe Addams Family - S02E01 My Fair Cousin Itt Addams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-23.976-fps 0% 0 0 9 месеци
Addams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-23. 976-fpsAddams Family2x01My Fair Cousin Itt-23.976-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E28 My Son, the Chimp Addams Family1x28My Son the Chimp-25.000-fps 0% 2 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x28My Son the Chimp-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x28My Son the Chimp-25.000-fpsСемейка Аддамс - S01E31 Uncle Fester's Toupee Addams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec 0% 8 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-23. 976-fps-timing-shift1-secAddams Family1x31Uncle Festers Toupee-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-secThe Addams Family - S01E18 Uncle Fester's Illness Addams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-25.000-fps 0% 0 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x18Uncle Festers Illness-25.000-fpsA Família Addams - S01E30 Progress and the Addams Family Addams Family1x30Progress and the Addams Family-25.000-fps 0% 9 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x30Progress and the Addams Family-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x30Progress and the Addams Family-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E32 Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor Addams Family1x32Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor-25.000-fps 0% 12 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x32Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x32Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E21 The Addams Family in Court Addams Family1x21The Addams Family in Court-25.000-fps 0% 8 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x21The Addams Family in Court-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x21The Addams Family in Court-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E19 The Addams Family Splurges Addams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-25.000-fps 0% 5 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x19The Addams Family Splurges-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E29 Morticia's Favorite Charity Addams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-25.000-fps 0% 1 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-25. 000-fpsAddams Family1x29Morticias Favorite Charity-25.000-fpsThe Addams Family - S01E34 The Winning of Morticia Addams Addams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec 0% 8 0 9 месеци
Addams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-23. 976-fps-timing-shift1-secAddams Family1x34The Winning of Morticia Addams-23.976-fps-timing-shift1-sec