1996 - Superman: The Animated Series
Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet Superman works with fellow reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen. themoviedb
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Superman: The Animated Series subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E01 Where There's Smoke
S03E02 Knight Time
S03E03 New Kids in Town
S03E04 Obsession
S03E05 Little Big Head Man
S03E06 Absolute Power
S03E07 In Brightest Day...
S03E08 Superman's Pal
S03E09 A Fish Story
S03E10 Unity
S03E11 The Demon Reborn
S03E12 Legacy (1)
S03E13 Legacy (2)