1975 - Saturday Night Live
Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!
A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers an opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, and features performances by a musical guest. themoviedb
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Saturday Night Live subtitles for episodes from season 4
S04E01 The Rolling Stones
S04E02 Fred Willard/Devo
S04E03 Frank Zappa
S04E04 Steve Martin/Van Morrison
S04E05 Buck Henry/The Grateful Dead
S04E06 Carrie Fisher/The Blues Brothers
S04E07 Walter Matthau/Garrett Morris
S04E08 Eric Idle/Kate Bush
S04E09 Elliott Gould/Peter Tosh with Mick Jagger
S04E10 Michael Palin/The Doobie Brothers
S04E11 Cicely Tyson/Talking Heads
S04E12 Rick Nelson/Judy Collins
S04E13 Kate Jackson/Delbert McClinton
S04E14 Gary Busey/Gary Busey with Rick Danko and Paul Butterfield, Eubie Blake
S04E15 Margot Kidder/The Chieftains
S04E16 Richard Benjamin/Rickie Lee Jones
S04E17 Milton Berle/Ornette Coleman
S04E18 Michael Palin/James Taylor
S04E19 Maureen Stapleton/Linda Ronstadt, Phoebe Snow
S04E20 Buck Henry/Bette Midler