2005 - Cum am cunoscut-o pe mama voastră
A love story in reverse.
Original title: How I Met Your Mother
Serialul urmărește personajul principal, Ted Mosby, și pe grupul lui de prieteni din cartierul Manhattan. Ca un dispozitiv de încadrare, Ted, în anul 2030, le povestește fiului și ficei lui evenimentele care l-au condus pe el la întâlnirea mamei lor. themoviedb
Legaturi interesante
Cum am cunoscut-o pe mama voastră subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Purple Giraffe
S01E03 Sweet Taste of Liberty
S01E04 Return of the Shirt
S01E05 Okay Awesome
S01E06 The Slutty Pumpkin
S01E07 Matchmaker
S01E08 The Duel
S01E09 Belly Full of Turkey
S01E10 The Pineapple Incident
S01E11 The Limo
S01E12 The Wedding
S01E13 Drumroll, Please
S01E14 Zip, Zip, Zip
S01E15 Game Night
S01E16 Cupcake
S01E17 Life Among the Gorillas
S01E18 Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M.
S01E19 Mary the Paralegal
S01E20 Best Prom Ever
S01E21 Milk
S01E22 Come On
S02E01 Unde rămăseserăm?
S02E02 The Scorpion and the Toad
S02E03 Brunch
S02E04 Ted Mosby, Architect
S02E05 World's Greatest Couple
S02E06 Aldrin Justice
S02E07 Swarley
S02E08 Atlantic City
S02E09 Pariul pe palme
S02E10 Single Stamina
S02E11 How Lily Stole Christmas
S02E12 First Time in New York
S02E13 Columns
S02E14 Monday Night Football
S02E15 Lucky Penny
S02E16 Stuff
S02E17 Arrivederci, Fiero
S02E18 Moving Day
S02E19 Bachelor Party
S02E20 Confruntarea
S02E21 Ceva de împrumut
S02E22 Ceva albastru
S03E01 Așteaptă!
S03E02 Nu suntem de aici
S03E03 A cincea roată la căruță
S03E04 Copilașii
S03E05 Cum i-am cunoscut pe toți ceilalți
S03E06 Nu sunt tipul ăla!
S03E07 Dowisetrepla
S03E08 Avertizarea
S03E09 Ziua Pălmuirii
S03E10 Tremuratul
S03E11 Regula de platină
S03E12 Mâine nu există!
S03E13 Zece ședințe
S03E14 Tabelul
S03E15 Lanțul strigătelor
S03E16 Castele de nisip pe nisip
S03E17 Capra
S03E18 Fratele de consolare
S03E19 Totul trebuie vândut
S03E20 Miracole
S04E01 Te cunosc de undeva?
S04E02 Cel mai bun burger din New York
S04E03 Iubesc New Jersey
S04E04 Intervention
S04E05 Insula Shelter
S04E06 Fericiți până la adânci bătrâneți
S04E07 Ziua Ne-Tatălui
S04E08 Chiuitul
S04E09 Dezbrăcatul
S04E10 Bătaia
S04E11 Puțin din Minnesota
S04E12 Beneficii
S04E13 Trei zile de ninsoare
S04E14 Posimpibilul
S04E15 Stinsonii
S04E16 Scuze, frate!
S04E17 Terasa
S04E18 Bătrânul rege Clancy
S04E19 Murtaugh
S04E20 Mosbius Designs
S04E21 Regula de trei zile
S04E22 Locul potrivit la momentul potrivit
S04E23 Cât poate de repede
S04E24 Săritura
S05E01 Definiții
S05E02 Întâlnire în patru
S05E03 Robin, curs introductiv
S05E04 Hangiul fără sex
S05E05 Dublă cetățenie
S05E06 Cimpoiul
S05E07 Momentul dificil
S05E08 Manualul
S05E09 Ziua Pălmuirii 2: Răzbunarea palmei
S05E10 Fereastra
S05E11 Ultima țigară
S05E12 Fete sau costume?
S05E13 Jenkins
S05E14 Săptămâna perfectă
S05E15 Iepure sau rață
S05E16 Agățatul
S05E17 Desigur!
S05E18 Zâmbește!
S05E19 Grădina zoologică sau minciună
S05E20 Distrugătorii de căsnicii
S05E21 Paturi separate
S05E22 Roboți contra luptători
S05E23 Mireasa
S05E24 Sosiile
S06E01 Zile importante
S06E02 Eliberarea casei
S06E03 Neterminată
S06E04 Războiul metroului
S06E05 Arhitectul distrugerii
S06E06 Băiat sau fată?
S06E07 Capabilul Randy
S06E08 Istorie Naturală
S06E09 Glitter
S06E10 Ziua lui Blitz
S06E11 Teoriei Sirenei
S06E12 Fals pozitiv
S06E13 Vești proaste
S06E14 Ultimele cuvinte
S06E15 Vai, Honey!
S06E16 Ziua Disperării
S06E17 Garbage Island
S06E18 Confuzie
S06E19 Legen-tati
S06E20 Sendvișul exploziv cu chiftele
S06E21 Fără speranță
S06E22 Cocktailul perfect
S06E23 Monumente istorice
S06E24 Provocare acceptată
S07E01 Cavalerul de onoare
S07E02 Adevărul gol-goluț
S07E03 Cravata cu rățuște
S07E04 Criza nucleară model Stinson
S07E05 Ieșirea pe teren
S07E06 Lupta dintre istorie și mister
S07E07 Noretta
S07E08 Dovleacul Depravat se întoarce
S07E09 Disaster Averted
S07E10 Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac
S07E11 Fata de consolare
S07E12 Simfonia Iluminării
S07E13 Grătarul
S07E14 46 de minute
S07E15 Apicultorul în flăcări
S07E15 Apicultorul în flăcări
S07E16 Trenul bețivilor
S07E17 Fără presiuni
S07E18 Karma
S07E19 Fregământul
S07E20 Momentul trilogiei
S07E21 Acum suntem chit
S07E22 Nebunia bine intenționată
S07E23 Codul Magicianului, partea întâi
S07E24 Codul Magicianului, partea a doua
S08E01 Farhampton
S08E02 The Pre-Nup
S08E03 Nannies
S08E04 Who Wants to Be a Godparent?
S08E05 The Autumn of Break-Ups
S08E06 Splitsville
S08E07 The Stamp Tramp
S08E08 Twelve Horny Women
S08E09 Lobster Crawl
S08E10 The Over-Correction
S08E11 The Final Page (1)
S08E12 The Final Page (2)
S08E13 Band or DJ?
S08E14 Ring Up!
S08E15 P.S. I Love You
S08E16 Bad Crazy
S08E17 The Ashtray
S08E18 Weekend at Barney's
S08E19 The Fortress
S08E20 The Time Travelers
S08E21 Romeward Bound
S08E22 The Bro Mitzvah
S08E23 Something Old
S08E24 Something New
S09E01 The Locket
S09E02 Coming Back
S09E03 Last Time in New York
S09E04 The Broken Code
S09E05 The Poker Game
S09E06 Knight Vision
S09E07 No Questions Asked
S09E08 The Lighthouse
S09E09 Platonicuț
S09E10 Mama și tata
S09E11 Bedtime Stories
S09E12 Repetiția pentru dineu
S09E13 Căutăm basist
S09E14 Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra
S09E15 Unpause
S09E16 How Your Mother Met Me
S09E17 Sunrise
S09E18 Rally
S09E19 Vesuvius
S09E20 Daisy
S09E21 Gary Blauman
S09E22 The End of the Aisle
S09E23 Last Forever (1)
S09E24 Last Forever (2)
How I Met Your Mother - S04E21 The Three Days Rule How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S04E21.The.Three.Days.Rule.720p.WEB-DL.H264-rum(1) 0% 5 0 3 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S04E21. The. Three. Days. Rule. 720p. WEB-DL. H264-rum(1)How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S04E21.The.Three.Days.Rule.720p.WEB-DL.H264-rum(1)How I Met Your Mother - S02E07 Swarley How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-SAiNTS 0% 0 0 3 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E07. 720p. HDTV. x264-SAiNTSHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-SAiNTSHow I Met Your Mother - S06E14 Last Words How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S06E14.WEBRip-NF 0% 3 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S06E14. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S06E14.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S03E19 Everything Must Go How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S03E19.WEBRip-NF 0% 3 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S03E19. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S03E19.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S03E17 The Goat How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S03E17.WEBRip-NF 0% 0 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S03E17. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S03E17.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E19 Bachelor Party How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E19.WEBRip-NF 0% 1 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E19. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E19.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E20 Showdown How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E20.WEBRip-NF 0% 0 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E20. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E20.WEBRip-NFKhi Bố Gặp Mẹ - S02E06 Aldrin Justice How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E06.WEBRip-NF 0% 4 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E06. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E06.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E14 Monday Night Football How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E14.WEBRip-NF 0% 0 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E14. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E14.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E13 Columns How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E13.WEBRip-NF 0% 0 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E13. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E13.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E11 How Lily Stole Christmas How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E11.WEBRip-NF 0% 3 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E11. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E11.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E07 Swarley How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E07.WEBRip-NF 0% 0 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E07. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E07.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E10 Single Stamina How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E10.WEBRip-NF 0% 1 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E10. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E10.WEBRip-NFKhi Bố Gặp Mẹ - S02E15 Lucky Penny How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E15.WEBRip-NF 0% 1 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E15. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E15.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E08 Atlantic City How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E08.WEBRip-NF 0% 4 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E08. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E08.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E18 Moving Day How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E18.WEBRip-NF 0% 1 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E18. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E18.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E04 Ted Mosby, Architect How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E04.WEBRip-NF 0% 1 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E04. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E04.WEBRip-NFKhi Bố Gặp Mẹ - S02E09 Slap Bet How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E09.WEBRip-NF 0% 12 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E09. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E09.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S02E03 Brunch How.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E03.WEBRip-NF 0% 2 0 5 luni
How. I. Met. Your. Mother. S02E03. WEBRip-NFHow.I.Met.Your.Mother.S02E03.WEBRip-NFHow I Met Your Mother - S09E24 Last Forever (2) How I Met Your Mother S09E24.6d2cbc 0% 19 0 5 luni
How I Met Your Mother S09E24. 6d2cbcHow I Met Your Mother S09E24.6d2cbcHow I Met Your Mother - S08E11 The Final Page (1) How I Met Your Mother S08E11.fce410 0% 2 0 5 luni
How I Met Your Mother S08E11. fce410How I Met Your Mother S08E11.fce410How I Met Your Mother - S08E06 Splitsville How I Met Your Mother S08E06.24ccc2 0% 19 0 5 luni
How I Met Your Mother S08E06. 24ccc2How I Met Your Mother S08E06.24ccc2Khi Bố Gặp Mẹ - S08E01 Farhampton How I Met Your Mother S08E01.3a61da 0% 3 0 5 luni
How I Met Your Mother S08E01. 3a61daHow I Met Your Mother S08E01.3a61daComo Eu Conheci Sua Mãe - S07E21 Agora estamos empatados How I Met Your Mother S07E21.b0df39 0% 1 0 5 luni
How I Met Your Mother S07E21. b0df39How I Met Your Mother S07E21.b0df39