2010 - Războaiele depozitelor
Go bid or go home
Original title: Storage Wars
Când chiria nu este plătită pentru un depozit timp de trei luni, conținutul poate fi vândut de un licitator ca un singur lot de articole sub forma unei licitații, dar numai în numerar. themoviedb
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Războaiele depozitelor subtitles for episodes from season 8
S08E01 They'll Always Have Perris
S08E02 Some Like It Hotter
S08E03 Lock the Vote!
S08E04 All Bid and No Bite
S08E05 Just Deserts
S08E06 Auctions and Allies
S08E07 Palm Springs Throwdown
S08E08 Young Gun, Old Tricks
S08E09 The School of Hard Knock-Knocks
S08E10 An Auction Too Far
S08E11 Downtown Showdown
S08E12 Mo' Money, Mo' Valley
S08E13 Lock, Stock and One Smoking Darrell
S08E14 Rene Abides
S08E15 Last Mattress Standing
S08E16 Mayor of Margarita-ville
S08E17 Auctions Away!
S08E18 Buys and Dolls
S08E19 There's No Business Like Snow Business
S08E20 The World Accordion to Ivy