1974 - NOVA
Seriál prináša pohľady do minulosti, súčasnosti i budúcnosti technického vývoja ľudstva. Sledujeme prvé pokusy o lietanie, cez novodobú leteckú techniku až po vesmírne lety. Uvidíme významných konštruktérov a technikov, ktorí sa podieľajú na ľudskom sne o lietaní. themoviedb
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NOVA subtitles for episodes from season 45
S45E01 Black Hole Apocalypse
S45E02 "Nova" Death Dive to Saturn
S45E04 "Nova" Great Escape at Dunkirk
S45E04 "Nova" Ghosts of Stonehenge
S45E05 "Nova" Secrets of the Forbidden City
S45E06 Decoding the Weather Machine
S45E07 Rise of the Superstorms
S45E08 Transplanting Hope
S45E08 "Nova" Killer Floods
S45E09 Operation Bridge Rescue
S45E09 Operation Bridge Rescue
S45E10 Volatile Earth: Volcano on Fire
S45E10 Volatile Earth: Volcano on Fire
S45E11 Volatile Earth: Volcano on the Brink
S45E11 Volatile Earth: Volcano on the Brink
S45E12 Addiction
S45E12 Addiction
S45E13 Flying Supersonic
S45E13 Flying Supersonic
S45E14 "Nova" First Face of America
S45E15 Thai Cave Rescue
S45E16 World's Fastest Animal
S45E16 "Nova" World's Fastest Animal
S45E17 Apollo's Daring Mission
S45E17 Apollo's Daring Mission
S45E24 "Nova" Rise of the Superstorms
S45E101 NOVA Wonders What Are Animals Saying?
S45E102 NOVA Wonders What's Living in You?
S45E103 NOVA Wonders Are We Alone?
S45E104 NOVA Wonders Can We Build a Brain?
S45E105 NOVA Wonders Can We Make Life?
S45E106 NOVA Wonders What's the Universe Made Of?