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Ancient Aliens - S05E10 The Von Daniken Legacy S05E10 - The Von Däniken Legacy 0% 67 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E10 - The Von Däniken LegacyS05E10 - The Von Däniken LegacyAncient Aliens - S05E09 Strange Abductions S05E09 - Strange Abductions 0% 55 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E09 - Strange AbductionsS05E09 - Strange AbductionsAncient Aliens - S05E08 Beyond Nazca S05E08 - Beyond Nazca 0% 63 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E08 - Beyond NazcaS05E08 - Beyond NazcaAncient Aliens - S05E07 Prophets and Prophecies S05E07 - Prophets and Prophecies 0% 65 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E07 - Prophets and PropheciesS05E07 - Prophets and PropheciesAncient Aliens - S05E06 Secrets of the Tombs S05E06 - Secrets of the Tombs 0% 70 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E06 - Secrets of the TombsS05E06 - Secrets of the TombsAncient Aliens - S05E05 The Einstein Factor S05E05 - The Einstein Factor 0% 72 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E05 - The Einstein FactorS05E05 - The Einstein FactorAncient Aliens - S05E04 "Ancient Aliens" Destination Orion S05E04 - Destination Orion 0% 55 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E04 - Destination OrionS05E04 - Destination OrionAncient Aliens - S05E03 Alien Power Plants S05E03 - Alien Power Plants 0% 78 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E03 - Alien Power PlantsS05E03 - Alien Power PlantsAncient Aliens - S05E02 Aliens and Cover-Ups S05E02 - Aliens and Cover-Ups 0% 28 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E02 - Aliens and Cover-UpsS05E02 - Aliens and Cover-UpsAncient Aliens - S05E01 Secrets of the Pyramids S05E01 - Secrets of the Pyramids 0% 40 0 asi 5 rokmi
S05E01 - Secrets of the PyramidsS05E01 - Secrets of the PyramidsAncient Aliens - S04E10 Aliens and Dinosaurs S04E10 - Aliens and Dinosaurs 0% 61 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E10 - Aliens and DinosaursS04E10 - Aliens and DinosaursAncient Aliens - S04E09 The Time Travelers S04E09 - The Time Travelers 0% 67 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E09 - The Time TravelersS04E09 - The Time TravelersAncient Aliens - S04E08 The Da Vinci Conspiracy S04E08 - The Da Vinci Conspiracy 0% 68 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E08 - The Da Vinci ConspiracyS04E08 - The Da Vinci ConspiracyAncient Aliens - S04E07 Aliens and Bigfoot S04E07 - Aliens and Bigfoot 0% 71 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E07 - Aliens and BigfootS04E07 - Aliens and BigfootAncient Aliens - S04E06 The Mystery of Puma Punku S04E06 - The Mystery of Puma Punku 0% 61 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E06 - The Mystery of Puma PunkuS04E06 - The Mystery of Puma PunkuAncient Aliens - S04E05 "Ancient Aliens" The NASA Connection S04E05 - The NASA Connection 0% 44 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E05 - The NASA ConnectionS04E05 - The NASA ConnectionAncient Aliens - S04E04 "Ancient Aliens" Aliens and Mega-Disasters S04E04 - Aliens and Mega-Disasters 0% 62 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E04 - Aliens and Mega-DisastersS04E04 - Aliens and Mega-DisastersAncient Aliens - S04E03 The Greys S04E03 - The Greys 0% 73 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E03 - The GreysS04E03 - The GreysAncient Aliens - S04E02 The Doomsday Prophecies S04E02 - The Doomsday Prophecies 0% 69 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E02 - The Doomsday PropheciesS04E02 - The Doomsday PropheciesAncient Aliens - S04E01 The Mayan Conspiracy S04E01 - The Mayan Conspiracy 0% 89 0 asi 5 rokmi
S04E01 - The Mayan ConspiracyS04E01 - The Mayan ConspiracyAncient Aliens - S03E16 Aliens and the Creation of Man S03E16 - Aliens and the Creation of Man 0% 68 0 asi 5 rokmi
S03E16 - Aliens and the Creation of ManS03E16 - Aliens and the Creation of ManAncient Aliens - S03E15 Aliens, Gods and Heroes S03E15 - Aliens, Gods and Heroes 0% 57 0 asi 5 rokmi
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