2012 - Kako Izuriti Svojega Zmaja
Live to train, train to live!
Original title: DreamWorks Dragons
Gre za televizijsko serijo posneto na podlagi uspešnega risanega filma Kako izuriti svojega zmaja. Sezona je postavljena v čas takoj po prvem delu kinematografske uspešnice. Vikingi so sicer sprejeli zmaje, temveč to še ne pomeni, da bo zdaj vse v najlepšem redu. V epizodah tako prikazujejo dnevne izzive z njimi, saj imajo zmaji svoje navade, ki jih vikingi težko dojamejo. Glavni junak tako vsako epizodo opravičuje njihova dejanja, vikingi pa se počasi nanje začno privajati. themoviedb
Zanimive povezave
Kako Izuriti Svojega Zmaja subtitles for episodes from season 3
S03E02 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Dragon Eye of the Beholder, Part 2
S03E03 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Imperfect Harmony
S03E04 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" When Darkness Falls
S03E05 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Big Man on Berk
S03E06 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Gone Gustav Gone
S03E07 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Reign of Fireworms
S03E08 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Crushing It
S03E09 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Quake, Rattle and Roll
S03E10 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 1
S03E11 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 2
S03E12 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" The Next Big Sting
S03E13 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Total Nightmare
S03E14 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" TEAM ASTRID
S03E15 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" NIGHT of the HUNTERS, PART ONE
S03E16 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" NIGHT of the HUNTERS, PART TWO
S03E17 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" BAD MOON RISING
S03E18 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" Snotlout Gets the Axe
S03E19 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" THE ZIPPLEBACK EXPERIENCE
S03E20 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" SNOW WAY OUT
S03E22 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" EDGE of DISASTER, PART TWO
S03E23 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" SHOCK and AWE
S03E24 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" A Time to Skrill
S03E25 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" MACES & TALONS, PART ONE
S03E26 "Dragons: Riders of Berk" MACES & TALONS, PART TWO