2001 - 藍色星球
Original title: The Blue Planet
從太空中看到的地球是一顆藍色的行星,因為海洋佔地球表面的三分之二,但是人類對月球表面的了解還多於地球上的海洋,「藍色星球」(Blue Planet)是一部地球海洋生態完整全紀錄,從深海到淺灘,從海洋動物到珊瑚礁,海洋潮汐與氣候,本系列將完整介紹我們既熟悉又陌生的海洋世界。「藍色星球」拍攝長達五年,拍攝耗時3000天,150趟實地拍攝,足跡遍及全世界七大洲共200個拍攝地點,極富教育性與娛樂性。本片更請到電影配樂家喬治芬頓(安娜與國王)創作配樂,由BBC交響樂團演奏。 themoviedb
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The. Blue. Planet. S01E07. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRDThe.Blue.Planet.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRDThe Blue Planet - S01E04 Frozen Seas The.Blue.Planet.S01E04.RERiP.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD 0% 18 0 8 个月
The. Blue. Planet. S01E04. RERiP. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRDThe.Blue.Planet.S01E04.RERiP.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRDThe Blue Planet - S01E08 Coasts The.Blue.Planet.S01E08.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkv 0% 4015 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E08. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRD. mkvThe.Blue.Planet.S01E08.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvThe Blue Planet - S01E07 Tidal Seas e.g.: MovieNaThe.Blue.Planet.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvme.1970.720p.x264.YIFY 0% 4136 0 6 年多
e. g. : MovieNaThe. Blue. Planet. S01E07. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRD. mkvme. 1970. 720p. x264. YIFYe.g.: MovieNaThe.Blue.Planet.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvme.1970.720p.x264.YIFYThe Blue Planet - S01E06 Coral Seas The.Blue.Planet.S01E06.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD 0% 3678 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E06. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRDThe.Blue.Planet.S01E06.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRDThe Blue Planet - S01E05 Seasonal Seas The.Blue.Planet.S01E05.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD 0% 5734 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E05. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRDThe.Blue.Planet.S01E05.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRDThe Blue Planet - S01E04 Frozen Seas The.Blue.Planet.S01E04.RERiP.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD 0% 5378 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E04. RERiP. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRDThe.Blue.Planet.S01E04.RERiP.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRDThe Blue Planet - S01E03 Open Ocean The.Blue.Planet.S01E03.PROPER.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkv 0% 6054 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E03. PROPER. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRD. mkvThe.Blue.Planet.S01E03.PROPER.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvThe Blue Planet - S01E02 The Deep The.Blue.Planet.S01E02.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkv 0% 7588 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E02. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRD. mkvThe.Blue.Planet.S01E02.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvThe Blue Planet - S01E01 Ocean World The.Blue.Planet.S01E01.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkv 0% 10309 0 6 年多
The. Blue. Planet. S01E01. 720p. BluRay. x264-YELLOWBiRD. mkvThe.Blue.Planet.S01E01.720p.BluRay.x264-YELLOWBiRD.mkvThe Blue Planet - S01E08 Coasts The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E08 - Coasts (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en 0% 2017 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E08 - Coasts (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR). enThe Blue Planet (2001) - S01E08 - Coasts (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).enThe Blue Planet - S01E07 Tidal Seas The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E07 - Tidal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en 0% 2221 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E07 - Tidal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR). enThe Blue Planet (2001) - S01E07 - Tidal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).enThe Blue Planet - S01E06 Coral Seas The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E06 - Coral Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR) 0% 2031 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E06 - Coral Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR)The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E06 - Coral Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)The Blue Planet - S01E05 Seasonal Seas The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E05 - Seasonal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en 0% 1853 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E05 - Seasonal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR). enThe Blue Planet (2001) - S01E05 - Seasonal Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).enThe Blue Planet - S01E04 Frozen Seas The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E04 - Frozen Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR) 0% 1936 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E04 - Frozen Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR)The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E04 - Frozen Seas (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)The Blue Planet - S01E03 Open Ocean The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E03 - Open Ocean (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR) 0% 2062 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E03 - Open Ocean (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR)The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E03 - Open Ocean (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)The Blue Planet - S01E02 The Deep The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E02 - The Deep (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en 0% 2274 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E02 - The Deep (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR). enThe Blue Planet (2001) - S01E02 - The Deep (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).enThe Blue Planet - S01E01 Ocean World The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E01 - Ocean World (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en 0% 4217 0 6 年多
The Blue Planet (2001) - S01E01 - Ocean World (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5. 1 RCVR). enThe Blue Planet (2001) - S01E01 - Ocean World (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR).en