2014 - 奔騰年代
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Original title: Halt and Catch Fire
故事發生在上世紀八十年代早期,那時候個人電腦正處在萌芽階段,一群富有遠見卓識的工程師和科技奇才抓住機會對個人電腦的結構和技術進行革新,使之更符合時代的需求。他們最終創立了領先於時代的IT企業「巨艦」。在獲得成功之後,這些人的合作關係開始面臨挑戰,貪婪和自負蒙蔽了他們的理智,再加上矽谷的文化和IT業的大氣候每天都在發生改變,他們稍不留神就可能陰溝裡翻船。 themoviedb
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奔騰年代 subtitles for all seasons and episodes
S01E01 I/O
S01E02 FUD
S01E03 High Plains Hardware
S01E04 Close to the Metal
S01E05 Adventure
S01E06 Landfall
S01E07 Giant
S01E08 The 214s
S01E09 Up Helly Aa
S01E10 1984
S02E02 New Coke
S02E03 The Way In
S02E04 Play With Friends
S02E05 Extract and Defend
S02E06 10Broad36
S02E07 Working for the Clampdown
S02E08 Limbo
S02E09 Kali
S02E10 Heaven Is a Place
S03E01 Valley of the Heart's Delight
S03E02 One Way or Another
S03E03 Flipping the Switch
S03E04 Rules of Honorable Play
S03E05 Yerba Buena
S03E06 And She Was
S03E07 The Threshold
S03E08 You Are Not Safe
S03E09 NIM
S03E10 NeXT
S04E01 So It Goes
S04E02 Signal to Noise
S04E03 Miscellaneous
S04E04 Tonya and Nancy
S04E05 Nowhere Man
S04E06 A Connection Is Made
S04E07 Who Needs a Guy
S04E08 Goodwill
S04E09 Search
S04E10 Ten of Swords