2011 - 潘恩與泰勒:魔術大比拼
Up to their new tricks.
Original title: Penn & Teller: Fool Us
在這場魔術大賽,來自世界各地的魔術師要在魔術大師潘恩和泰勒雙人組前使出十八般武藝,只要能呼嚨得過他們兩位,這群追夢的魔術師就能實現一生夢想,得到登上最大的舞台表演的機會。 themoviedb
Interesting links
潘恩與泰勒:魔術大比拼 subtitles for episodes from season 10
S10E01 Who's Your Daddy?!
S10E02 2 Dead in Tonight's Episode
S10E03 Magic Is Sexy
S10E04 We've Got a Racoon Problem
S10E05 The Bill-In-Penn's-Head Trick
S10E06 Badass Brooke
S10E07 The Princess and the Wizard
S10E08 The Smallest Biggest Magic Trick Ever
S10E09 Penn & Teller vs. A Magic Hamster
S10E10 A Magical Punch in the Face
S10E11 The Youngest Act in Fool Us History
S10E12 It's Snot Magic!
S10E13 Game of Drones
S10E14 Brought to You by the Letter P
S10E15 Dan Quayle Gets Shot by a T-Shirt Cannon
S10E16 Magicians Like to Spoon
S10E17 It Takes Balls to Be a Magician
S10E18 Shut Up - You Fooled Us!
S10E19 Magic is for the Birds
S10E20 Now Teller Won't Shut Up