2012 - 忍者神龟
Original title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
《忍者龟》新系列的故事发生在纽约曼哈顿,在热闹的市区的地下水道里,生活着主人公:四只少年忍者龟和一只六英尺高的老鼠——他们的老师斯普林特。 某一天,作为人类的斯普林特不幸遭受了一种神奇绿色物质的辐射,变异成了一只老鼠,而他随身携带的四只宠物龟也开始发生了变化...... themoviedb
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忍者神龟 subtitles for episodes from season 4
S04E01 Beyond the Known Universe
S04E02 The Moons of Thalos 3
S04E03 The Weird World Of Wyrm
S04E04 The Outlaw Armaggon!
S04E05 Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
S04E06 Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind
S04E07 The Arena of Carnage
S04E08 The War for Dimension X
S04E09 The Cosmic Ocean
S04E10 Trans-Dimensional Turtles
S04E11 Revenge of the Triceratons
S04E12 The Evil of Dregg
S04E13 The Ever-Burning Fire
S04E14 Earth's Last Stand
S04E15 City at War
S04E16 Broken Foot
S04E17 The Insecta Trifecta
S04E18 Mutant Gangland
S04E19 Bat in the Belfry
S04E20 The Super Shredder
S04E21 Darkest Plight
S04E22 The Power Inside Her
S04E23 Tokka vs. the World
S04E24 Tale of Tiger Claw
S04E25 Requiem
S04E26 Owari