2003 - Two and a Half Men
Two adults. One kid. No grown-ups.
Gjør deg klar for et lengre besøk i Malibus mest begivenhetsrike beach house. Bli med brødrene Charlie og Alan Harper, deres fremmedgjorte (og merkelige) barn Jenny og Jake, mangemillionæren Walden Schmidt og husholdersken Berta gjennom tolv år med hysteriske påfunn med, tøffe typer, morsomme fyrer, flotte jenter, kjendisnaboer, sexy stalkere, eksentriske foreldre og mye mer. themoviedb
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Two and a Half Men subtitles for episodes from season 4
S04E01 Working for Caligula
S04E02 Who's Vod Kanockers?
S04E03 The Sea Is a Harsh Mistress
S04E04 A Pot Smoking Monkey
S04E05 A Live Woman of Proven Fertility
S04E06 Apologies for the Frivolity
S04E07 Repeated Blows to His Unformed Head
S04E08 Release the Dogs
S04E09 Corey's Been Dead for an Hour
S04E10 Kissing Abe Lincoln
S04E11 Walnuts and Demerol
S04E12 Castrating Sheep in Montana
S04E13 Don't Worry, Speed Racer
S04E14 That's Summer Sausage, Not Salami
S04E15 My Damn Stalker
S04E16 Young People Have Phlegm Too
S04E17 I Merely Slept with a Commie
S04E18 It Never Rains in Hooterville
S04E19 Smooth as a Ken Doll
S04E20 Aunt Myra Doesn't Pee a Lot
S04E21 Tucked, Taped and Gorgeous
S04E22 Mr. McGlue's Feedbag
S04E23 Anteaters. They're Just Crazy-Lookin
S04E24 Prostitutes and Gelato