2003 - Two and a Half Men
Two adults. One kid. No grown-ups.
Gjør deg klar for et lengre besøk i Malibus mest begivenhetsrike beach house. Bli med brødrene Charlie og Alan Harper, deres fremmedgjorte (og merkelige) barn Jenny og Jake, mangemillionæren Walden Schmidt og husholdersken Berta gjennom tolv år med hysteriske påfunn med, tøffe typer, morsomme fyrer, flotte jenter, kjendisnaboer, sexy stalkere, eksentriske foreldre og mye mer. themoviedb
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Two and a Half Men subtitles for episodes from season 8
S08E01 Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud
S08E02 A Bottle of Wine and a Jackhammer
S08E03 A Pudding-Filled Cactus
S08E04 Hookers, Hookers, Hookers
S08E05 The Immortal Mr. Billy Joel
S08E06 Twanging Your Magic Clanger
S08E07 The Crazy Bitch Gazette
S08E08 Springtime on a Stick
S08E09 A Good Time in Central Africa
S08E10 Ow, Ow, Don't Stop
S08E11 Dead from the Waist Down
S08E12 Chocolate Diddlers or My Puppy's Dead
S08E13 Skunk, Dog, Crap and Ketchup
S08E14 Lookin' for Japanese Subs
S08E15 Three Hookers and a Philly Cheesesteak
S08E16 That Darn Priest